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Filodoro Filfree Fashion Macropoint

Filodoro Filfree Fashion Macropoint

Fashion sheer seamless tights. Tulle base and large polka dot pattern. Material: 91% polyamid, 9%...


Filodoro Demetra 20

Filodoro Demetra 20

20 den sheer opaque tights bikini body with lace effect. Comfort seams, hygienic gusset, sandal toe....


Philippe Matignon Cool Summer 8 no-slide

Philippe Matignon Cool Summer 8 no-slide

Summer no-slide pantyhose, ultra-sheer with invisible toe 8 denier. A special knitting technique an...


Well Accord Parfait Confort 60

Well Accord Parfait Confort 60

60 denier tights with a very comfortable fit, thanks in particular to the patented ultra-stretchy me...


Sanpellegrino Exclusive Maxi 15

Sanpellegrino Exclusive Maxi 15

15 den sheer tights with elastane, with big gusset. Panty with light support-effect. Material: 86...


Trasparenze Roxane

Trasparenze Roxane

Fashion tights. Material: 85% polyamid, 15% elastane. SALE PRICE USUALLY FOUND : 29 EUR...

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